How to get your car unstuck from mud, sand or snow?

How to get your car unstuck from mud, sand or snow?

Getting stuck in the mud, snow or ditch can happen to anyone no matter how cautious you are. Your first instinct tells you to floor the gas pedal in your frustration to get out but you are only worsening your situation as your tires dig deeper into the slippery...
Assembling A Roadside Emergency Kit

Assembling A Roadside Emergency Kit

With modern cars with the latest technologies and warranties, driving has become so much smoother. That being said, things will happen.  And today, most if not all vehicles come with a basic car jack and spare tire, an emergency tire patch and an inflator kit to deal...
What You Need to Know to Tow a Caravan

What You Need to Know to Tow a Caravan

Caravans are terrific recreational assets, but unlike RVs and other motor homes, they do not come equipped with an engine. So, if you just bought a new caravan, you will need to learn how to tow it with your vehicle. The first priority when towing a caravan, or...
First 3 Things to Check if Your Car Will Not Start

First 3 Things to Check if Your Car Will Not Start

Did you just try to start your car without any luck? Before you immediately panic at the thought of auto repair bills, or contact a tow truck company, give some troubleshooting a try. Continue below to learn the first 3 things you should check if your car will not...